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With a higher quality of life, talented workforce, and lower cost of living, Atlanta is where more people and businesses are choosing to move.
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Learn about why Atlanta is a great place to invest in or expand to.
November 06, 2024
Bond Funding Approved to Alleviate Housing InsecurityWe can help you finance your project and connect you with key resources.
See why Atlanta is a great opportunity for development projects.
See how we've helped other companies in Atlanta, and learn more about what we can do for you.
Learn about the demographics and opportunities in the City of Atlanta.
We can help make your dream of owning a home in Atlanta a reality.
Discover why Atlanta is a great place to settle down and call home.
Find programs and incentives that work for you.
Learn how Atlanta is helping existing residents with critical home repairs.
We can help make intown living affordable for you.
See apartments that Invest Atlanta has helped finance.
Invest Atlanta facilitates economic development within the city limits of Atlanta.
View City LimitsThe Latest
December 10, 2024: Building Personal Wealth and Strengthening Communities: The Power of Invest Atlanta’s Open for Business Fund Learn MoreInvest Atlanta facilitates economic development within the city limits of Atlanta.
View City LimitsThe Latest
December 10, 2024: Building Personal Wealth and Strengthening Communities: The Power of Invest Atlanta’s Open for Business Fund Learn MoreInvest Atlanta facilitates economic development within the city limits of Atlanta.
View City LimitsA TAD, sometimes called a TIF (tax increment financing), is a financing incentive tool in which bonds are issued to pay for infrastructure and other improvements in a designated area.
These bonds are repaid by increases in property values (and corresponding property ‘tax increments’) from that area. It’s not an increase in property taxes, but rather a way to stimulate reinvestment in an area by financing needed infrastructure or improvements from future tax proceeds within a designated area.
Tax Allocation Districts are areas with specific financing tools to incentivize development, helping the City of Atlanta grow and prosper.
Explore the areas below where Invest Atlanta can provide special financing for development.
A TAD, sometimes called a TIF (tax increment financing) is a financing incentive tool in which bonds are issued to pay for infrastructure and other improvement in a designated area.
These bonds are repaid by increases in property values (and corresponding property ‘tax increments’) from that area.
It’s not an increase in property taxes, but rather a way to stimulate reinvestment in an area by financing needed infrastructure or improvements from future tax proceeds within a designated area.