Supporting Vibrant, Growing Communities

Tax Allocation Districts are areas with specific financing tools to incentivize development, helping the City of Atlanta grow and prosper.

Helping Develop Atlanta Neighborhoods

Creating more economic activity and strengthening neighborhood businesses.
Improving streets, parks, and promoting community life.
Increasing access to housing through redevelopment and rehabilitation.

Tax Allocation Districts

Explore the areas below where Invest Atlanta can provide special financing for development.

What Is a Tax Allocation District?

A TAD, sometimes called a TIF (tax increment financing) is a financing incentive tool in which bonds are issued to pay for infrastructure and other improvement in a designated area.

These bonds are repaid by increases in property values (and corresponding property ‘tax increments’) from that area.

It’s not an increase in property taxes, but rather a way to stimulate reinvestment in an area by financing needed infrastructure or improvements from future tax proceeds within a designated area.